Vulnerable Persons Policy
We recognise that certain groups of customer may be vulnerable. Whilst not all clients in these groups may be vulnerable, we will consider client’s individual circumstances where a potential vulnerability is identified.
Where we are aware that a person may be vulnerable we will seek to adapt our services accordingly to minimise any distress.
Our Principles
When dealing with vulnerable customers we will adopt key principles that our staff and advisors will adhere to:
Maintaining an up to date record of our clients who have been identified as being vulnerable.
We aim to assist clients with a debt solution however if you’re in any doubt about your own mental-health or wellbeing you should refer them to a suitable organisation who may assist further, such as the Samaritans. Contact details for the Samaritans is detailed below:
The Samaritans
PO Box 9090,
Tel: 116 123
E-mail : [email protected]